Step 1: File your application to the Court, you’ll be given a first return date (approximately 3 months)
Step 2: You’ll go to Court simply to submit the issues, and you’ll usually get some interim Orders to go away and follow. This may include attending a conciliation conference or mediation to attempt to resolve the issues. (approximately 3 months)
Step 3: You’ll go away and try to sort out the issue at a mediation. (approximately 3 months)
Step 4: If you haven’t sorted it out by now, you’ll go back to Court and ask for a date or several dates for the Judge to hear your case. (approximately 6-10 months)
Step 5: You’ll go to Court for your Hearing, but have a high chance of not being heard that day due to:
- the other party not being ready;
- Someone being unavailable to attend (barrister, solicitor, client or witness);
- Further evidence being filed late and the other party being given time to consider it and respond;
You will repeat this until everybody is ready and the stars align. (on average can take up to 2-3 years).
Step 6: The Judge will hear all the issues, evidence and submissions – then ask you to go away and WAIT until his or her Honour hands down a decision on your case. (approximately 6 months)
Step 7: You’ll get the decision that you may or may not be happy with.You’ll get the decision that you may or may not be happy with.