
Arbon Legal Group

The court process

Step 1: File your application to the Court, you’ll be given a first return date (approximately 3 months)

Step 2: You’ll go to Court simply to submit the issues, and you’ll usually get some interim Orders to go away and follow. This may include attending a conciliation conference or mediation to attempt to resolve the issues. (approximately 3 months)

Step 3: You’ll go away and try to sort out the issue at a mediation. (approximately 3 months)

divorce lawyers gold coast

Step 4: If you haven’t sorted it out by now, you’ll go back to Court and ask for a date or several dates for the Judge to hear your case. (approximately 6-10 months)

Step 5: You’ll go to Court for your Hearing, but have a high chance of not being heard that day due to:

  • the other party not being ready;
  • Someone being unavailable to attend (barrister, solicitor, client or witness);
  • Further evidence being filed late and the other party being given time to consider it and respond;

You will repeat this until everybody is ready and the stars align. (on average can take up to 2-3 years).

Gavel and judge in court

Step 6: The Judge will hear all the issues, evidence and submissions – then ask you to go away and WAIT until his or her Honour hands down a decision on your case. (approximately 6 months)

Step 7: You’ll get the decision that you may or may not be happy with.You’ll get the decision that you may or may not be happy with.

Nicole Jevtovic
Nicole Jevtovic has worked in Family, Domestic Violence and Criminal Law her entire legal career. During her years as a divorce lawyer and criminal lawyer, Nicole has appeared in court on almost a daily basis. She has extensive experience in court advocacy and has even run trials herself as a solicitor advocate. While she enjoys court representation, Nicole aims to resolve her client’s matters in the most cost effective and stress-free way possible which is why she is an advocate for mediation and negotiation outside of court.
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